The Energy Code Board (ECB), a joint initiative between the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) and the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), reviews, approves, and recommends Colorado’s state energy codes, including the Model Electric-Ready and Solar-Ready Code and the Model Low Energy and Carbon Code.
The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is charged with filling four of the five current vacancies on the 21-seat board to serve for the remainder of the development of the State's model low energy and carbon code, which is expected to run through June 2025.
This is a great opportunity to help effectively implement House Bill 22-1362 concerning the reduction of building greenhouse gas emissions in a manner that best meets the needs of our great state.
Position Criteria
The following positions are available, as identified in state statute:
- Affordable housing representative - nonprofit for-rent housing builder
- Building operations expert
- Licensed mechanical, electrical, or plumbing trade representative who is a member of a labor organization
- Rural county representative
Only applicants meeting the above criteria will be considered and applicants must reside in Colorado.
Responsibilities and Involvement
Membership on the Energy Code Board involves a significant time commitment, including:
- Biweekly 2-hour meetings of the full Energy Code Board;
- At least 8-10 hours of preparation and research per month outside of Energy Code Board meetings (total hours will vary throughout the code development process);
- Potential engagement with external stakeholders outside of Energy Code Board meetings;
- Potential for meetings or engagement events outside of normal business hours (this is rare, and is typically voluntary for Board members).
How to Apply
Anyone qualified and interested in applying to serve in any of the four vacant seats on the Energy Code Board to be appointed by DOLA should email to Maulid Miskell by no later than 5 p.m. MDT on Monday, December 2, 2024.
Email Should include:
- Applicant's contact information, including: email, phone number, mailing address, and county;
resume; - Brief description of the applicant's interest in serving on the Energy Code Board;
- Qualifications to serve on the Energy Code Board and the perspective the applicant will bring to the Energy Code Board (limit to 250 words)
- Letter of recommendation from a relevant organization
DOLA is very interested in applicants from diverse backgrounds that may represent unique perspectives including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic, economic, geographic, and climate zone diversity.
Please share this opportunity with your networks or anyone you think might be interested.