Civil Asset Forfeiture Reporting


The Civil Forfeiture Reform Act requires State and local law enforcement agencies authorized to effect civil forfeitures to biannually report:

  • Specified information, if known, about forfeiture cases resulting in proceeds for the agency
  • The amount of proceeds received from such cases
  • A categorization of the expenditure of proceeds
  • The retained balance of the forfeiture proceeds

Notice of Reporting Deadlines

All reporting agencies that have received state or federal forfeiture proceeds within the applicable report period are required to submit a Civil Asset Forfeiture Report. A report is still required for each period, even if a Reporting Agency has not received proceeds.

The biannual Civil Asset Forfeiture Reports filed pursuant to House Bill 17-1313 cover six months of each year, and are due twice a year on the following dates:

  • January 1st - June 30th: Due December 1st (same calendar year)
  • July 1st - December 31st: Due June 1st (following calendar year)

File a Report

The reporting process is online, with public access to the information, and there is a fine for agencies that do not report within the time required.

The Act does not require law enforcement agencies to report any information that "is likely to disclose the identity of a confidential source, disclose confidential investigative or prosecution material that could endanger the life or physical safety of any person, disclose the existence of a confidential surveillance or investigation, or disclose techniques or procedures for law enforcement procedures, investigation, or prosecutions..."

House Bill 18-1020 modified certain aspects of the reporting process. The reporting process now includes the following:

  • Expanded scope of reported assets and cases to include those forfeited pursuant to “any local public nuisance law or ordinance”
  • Refined expenditure categories by adding “Disbursements” to itemize forfeiture proceeds disbursed to other agencies belonging to a multi-jurisdictional task force
  • Clarified the statutory reference for agencies required to report forfeiture information from “Seizing Agency” to “Reporting Agency”

Once you have reviewed the instructions for how to submit a Civil Forfeiture and Seizure Report, you can complete your Civil Asset Forfeiture Report or view reported information using the systems below.

File a Report



Additional Resources


Contact Information

Initial Interest

Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.


Program Contact

Mitchell Craddock, Program Manager
(303) 815-7078


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