In order to support local governments that supply drinking water and treat wastewater, the division offers technical assistance to help with a variety of topics relating to the conceptualization, development, and funding of capital projects, and the day-to-day needs of a water or sewer utility.
Methods of Assistance
Financial analysis and utility management
- Analysis of revenue and expenditure trends, and advice on sufficiency of rates. Discuss different rate/fee/tax structures available to support water/wastewater systems.
- Analysis of infrastructure needs and help establishing priorities
- Assistance with developing planning documents like capital improvement plans, rate studies, asset management plans. Coordination with funding programs if financial assistance is needed to complete planning documents
Discuss resources for hiring additional staff/contractors, qualities to look for, and questions to ask during the hiring process - Coordination with outside technical assistance programs
Funding capital improvement projects
- Assessment of funding needs and education about funding program options. Staff will help the community coordinate with multiple funding programs if needed.
- State Revolving Fund: DOLA is one of the three agencies that administer this water and wastewater loan program. Division staff are available to answer questions and help communities get started with this funding.
- Analysis of project affordability
- Troubleshoot barriers and roadblocks that often derail projects
- Conduct training workshops or individualized training
- Coordination with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and other state and federal agencies
- Provision or coordination of technical and financial assistance to communities faced an emergency that impacts their drinking water or wastewater utility, such as fire, floods, freezing, or drought.
Research and Publications
Contact Information
Initial Interest
Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.
Program Contact
Desi Santerre
Program Manager
(303) 864-7733