Financial Assistance for Individual Residents

While the Division of Local Governments primarily focuses on funding to government entities, there are several resources available for residents.


Disaster Recovery

If you are in a community that experienced a natural disaster, there are programs available that not only help Coloradans to rebuild, but also to produce healthier, safer and more resilient homes, businesses, and communities throughout the state.

Learn About Disaster Recovery

Homelessness or Housing Assistance

The Division of Housing partners with local communities to create housing opportunities for Coloradans who face the greatest challenges to accessing affordable, safe, and secure homes. The Division of Housing supports projects ranging from homelessness prevention to homeownership.

Learn About Available Programs

Home Modification Tax Credit

The Income Tax Credit for Retrofitting Home for Health bill (HB18-1267) created a state income tax credit of up to $5,000 to help people with an illness, impairment or disability retrofit their residence for greater accessibility and independence. The credit is available for retrofits completed in tax years 2019 through 2023.

The Colorado Legislature recently passed clarifying legislation (HB19-1135) to make dependents and spouses eligible. It also allows for up to a $5,000 credit per person in the family with a disability.

Changes made to the residence may include, but are not limited to:

  • Installing or building ramps
  • Modifying bathrooms
  • Installing grab-bars
  • Widening doorways
  • Modifying kitchen facilities
  • Installing specialized electric and plumbing systems that are necessary to accommodate medically necessary equipment and supplies

Learn More about the Home Modification Tax Credit

Local Resources

Your local 211 is the best resource for help finding resources in your local community. Dial 211 to get started.

Access Local Resources

Other Housing and Rental Assistance

The Department of Local Affairs offers essential programs for Colorado residents seeking housing stability, including disaster relief, housing and rental assistance, and support for consumers of mobile parks and factory-built structures, fostering positive relationships between tenants and landlords.

Learn More about Housing and Rental Assistance


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