August Resiliency Conversation: Resiliency and Sustainability in Agriculture

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August Resiliency Conversation: Resiliency and Sustainability in Agriculture

As one of the top agricultural states in the United States, Colorado agriculture generates approximately $47 billion annually in economic activity. Agriculture in Colorado is made up of about 30 million acres of farmland, with approximately 36,000 different farm operations, contributing $47 billion annually to the state's economy and employing over 195,000 people. 

Agriculture and its place in the resiliency conversation is essential to the sustainability of Colorado’s financial, social, and environmental systems. Some of the unique key points of Colorado’s agriculture resilience are: water scarcity, economic impact, food security, natural resource conservation, tourism, and rural livelihoods. By embracing resilient farming practices, Colorado can safeguard its agricultural sector and the broader well-being of its communities. 

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), who will be featured in the August Pathways to Recovery and Resiliency Funding Webinar series, works closely with partners such as the Colorado Resiliency Office, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Public Health & Environment, and Colorado State University to support climate-smart strategies in all phases of emergency management; preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation-protection. 

Are you familiar with CDA’s STAR program? This program provides financial and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers working to improve their soil health. Healthy soils can increase carbon capture, increase water retention, improve crop yields, and reduce pollution.

Did You Know?

Agriculture and Food Security is one of the 6 priority action areas identified in the Colorado Resiliency Framework in which the State and local communities can take action to enhance resiliency and ensure a vibrant and livable future for all Coloradoans. While the impacts of climate change are identified as the single greatest core concern for all priorities identified in the framework, Colorado’s agriculture industry faces challenges including water availability and weather variability. This priority focuses on keeping land in use for farming and agriculture while also strengthening and supporting the next generation of agriculture and food workers. Learn about the strategies to improve resiliency in agriculture and food systems in Colorado.

A complimentary strategic planning effort emphasizing resilient agricultural strategies in Colorado includes the State’s first ever Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands Strategic Plan!

Dive Deeper

Watch a video from a recent scenario planning workshop on the future of agriculture in Mesa County, Colorado: Sowing Seeds: How Scenario Planning Can Help Agricultural Communities Plan For a Resilient Future.

To learn more about how state agencies are working together to strengthen resiliency across Colorado, and how the Colorado Resiliency Office is facilitating strategic action, please visit the Colorado Resiliency Office's website.

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