Colorado Resiliency Office Launches Guidance for Local Climate Adaptation

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The impacts of climate change have the potential to exacerbate stressors many local communities are already experiencing, such as increased extreme weather events, more intense wildfire seasons, and prolonged drought. Additionally, climate change will have social and economic impacts on local communities and worsen situations for community members already disproportionately affected by climate such as those who are more susceptible to extreme heat.

Local governments have a role to play in preparing their respective communities for the inevitable disruptions that will come as a result of climate change and to adapt to a future with changing conditions.

Check Out the Guidance

Distinguishing between Climate Adaptation and Climate Mitigation 

To better understand the intent of this tool and guidance, it is important to note that the tool focuses on “climate adaptation,” and not “climate mitigation.” While many resilience actions address both climate mitigation and adaptation at the same time, such as nature-based solutions, it is important to understand the differences between these terms to make the most out of this tool.

Climate mitigation is defined as actions that are taken to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sinks, or remove them from the atmosphere, with the intention of reducing the extent of climate change. Climate mitigation resources are led by the Colorado Energy Office, such as the Local Government Toolkit and Resource Guide.

Climate adaptation, on the other hand, focuses on actions taken to adjust to existing or predicted impacts of climate change from an ecological, social, or economic perspective. Instead of focusing on reducing emissions that contribute to exacerbating climate change long-term, climate adaptation addresses how we can continue to thrive with the impacts of climate change as they are happening currently.

What is the Guidance for Local Climate Adaptation? 

The Colorado Resiliency Office collaborated with the Governor’s Office of Climate Preparedness and Recovery and many other State agency partners to develop guidance across six sectors to support local governments in identifying tangible ways in which they can take action.

There are over 25 actions in total, and each action includes the following similar components: 

  • A solution in the form of a plan, assessment, policy, or implementable action;
  • Accessible and succinct guidance that describes the action, why it is important, how to implement it, timeframe, project cost/resource needs, as well as connections to additional programs, resources, or funding as it is available to provide further support; and
  • Best practices or case studies to better apply lessons learned from others who have done the action successfully. 

Access the Tool and Guidance

Ready to dive in? This tool and guidance is available on the CRO’s website.

This guidance will continue to be maintained and updated on a regular basis in collaboration with our partners as more data, information, and resources are available, so be sure to check back from time to time.

Learn more about the Colorado Resiliency Office, including additional opportunities for technical assistance and resources.