The Wildfire Resiliency Code Board (WRCB) within the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control is beginning interest group and public engagement through virtual town halls to raise awareness of and seek feedback on the draft State Wildfire Resiliency Code. The Board helps enhance community safety and resiliency from wildfires through the adoption of codes and standards, and represents diverse perspectives (including DOLA’s Colorado Resiliency Office) as it works to define areas in Colorado facing the greatest wildfire risk and develop minimum wildfire resiliency codes.
The 90-minute sessions will include a brief overview of the mission, responsibilities, and progress of the Board followed by a review of the draft code before opening the floor for public comment. Those interested in providing comments during a session are asked to RSVP via the public feedback form. Written comments may also be submitted to the WRCB. While the listed meetings are geared towards specific interest groups, all meetings are open to the public, allowing for flexibility in attendance.
Town Hall Schedule
- December 2024
- Thursday, 05 Dec. 2024, 08:00am - 9:30am – Tribal and Federal Partners
- Tuesday, 10 Dec. 2024, 9:30am - 11:00am – Environment, Forestry, and Land Management Professionals
- January 2025
- Friday, 17 Jan. 2025, 10:30am - 12:00pm – Local Government Officials and Professionals
- Friday, 24 Jan. 2025, 09:00am - 10:30am – Structure-Related Industries and Professions
- Friday, 31 Jan. 2025, 09:00am - 10:30am – Insurance Industry Representatives and Professionals
- February 2025
- Friday, 07 Feb. 2025, 09:00am - 10:30am – Fire Service Professionals
- Friday, 21 Feb. 2025, 09:00am - 10:30am – Community and Advocacy Organizations
Meeting Information
Zoom Invitation - All Sessions
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/95132897404?pwd=rg9FnFSRHRiDRnnBgByNqgMZzmnJDR.1
Meeting ID: 951 3289 7404
Passcode: P0HzW5
Please direct questions regarding the Stakeholder and Public Engagement Sessions to Wildfire
Resiliency Code Board Administrator, Carrie Larsen.
Wildfire Resiliency Code Board Background
The WRCB is tasked, per Senate Bill 23-166, to:
- a) define the wildland urban interface (WUI) and identify the areas of the state that are included within it;
- b) adopt minimum codes and standards for new construction and significant repairs/alterations based on best practices to reduce the risk to life and property from the effects of wildfires taking into consideration the fiscal impact of such codes;
- c) identify the hazards and types of buildings, entities, and defensible space around structures to which the codes apply; and
- d) establish a process for a governing body to petition the board for a modification to the codes and establish the criteria and process for the board to grant or deny an appeal from a decision of the board on a petition for modification.
More information about the WRCB and resources for the town halls are available on the WRCB website.