October Resiliency Conversation: Storytelling for Resilience
The power of storytelling weaves a tapestry of resilience throughout the vast and diverse communities in Colorado. As communities grapple with the profound impacts of climate change, narratives of strength, adaptation, and unity emerge as guiding beacons. Through the art of storytelling, Coloradans share tales of overcoming adversity, forging alliances in the face of environmental challenges, and finding innovative solutions to ensure a sustainable future. Each narrative helps to bind communities together, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and a commitment to the betterment of the state, country, and planet. There is research showing that connection to other people through shared experience, even if we do not know them well, strengthens internal psychological resilience while building social bonds. See some of the stories the CRO has collected highlighting resiliency in action.
Did You Know?
The Annual Resiliency Summit this year will center around the theme “Stories of Resilience: Uniting for Climate Adaptation.” Save the date, January 25, 2024, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. and come join us in our conversation! More details, including a full agenda and announcement of speakers to come. Registration for the summit has closed.
Dive Deeper:
Telling the story of rural Colorado is imperative as incredible work is being done to improve social and economic resiliency. Once such example includes the work rural communities are completing through the Colorado Main Street Program. This program has recently designated the Town of Limon as an official Main Street community. Limon joins 24 other cities and towns in the Colorado Main Street Program, which offers support for community-led downtown revitalization and helps communities thrive by providing a customizable framework to focus efforts, energy, and resources to create a more vibrant community. The road here for this community has been a journey of over 33 years! Learn more about Limon and their story to restore its core business district.
Learn More About Resilience in Colorado
To learn more about how state agencies are working together to strengthen resiliency across Colorado, and how the Colorado Resiliency Office is facilitating strategic action, please visit the Colorado Resiliency Office's website.