Firefighter Cardiac Benefit Program Frequently Asked Questions

Statutory authority for the FCB Program is located in Section 29-5-301, et seq., of the Colorado Revised Statutes.

The following entities are eligible to receive reimbursement as “employers” under the FCB Program: (1) a municipality that employs one or more covered individuals; (2) a special district that employs one or more covered individuals (3) a fire authority that employs one or more covered individuals; or (4) a county improvement district that employs one or more covered individuals.

A qualified “covered individual,” as defined in C.R.S. 29-5-301, an individual (1) be an active employee of an employer; (2) be a full-time, part-time, or volunteer employee of an employer who regularly works at least one thousand six hundred (1600) hours in any calendar year; (3) perform duties that are directly involved with the provision of fire protection services; and (4) have at least five years of continuous full-time employment with an employer.

For as long as sufficient money is available, DOLA will reimburse employers for the direct costs of obtaining insurance coverage or alternate plans that provide the benefits required by CRS 29-5-302 to qualified covered individuals. DOLA staff will review and process all requests for reimbursement. DOLA staff will also administer the FCB Fund and monitor the fund balance.

No. DOLA will only reimburse an employer who provides proof of 100% compliance with the statute.

Yes. The employer must provide DOLA proof that they are 100% compliant through additional gap coverage via a self-insured plan, a trust, or additional insurance to receive reimbursement.

Yes. If employers require qualified covered individuals to pay for a portion of the insurance coverage or alternate plan premium, then employers may seek reimbursement only for the employers’ portion of the insurance coverage or alternate plan premium. For example, if the premium to obtain insurance coverage or an alternate plan for each qualified covered individual is $150.00 total, the covered individual pays $75.00 and the employer pays $75.00, then the employer may seek reimbursement for only $75.00 per qualified covered individual covered by the plan.

No, only the direct costs incurred by qualified employers for obtaining insurance coverage or alternate plans that provide the required benefits to qualified covered individuals are eligible for reimbursement.

Yes, DOLA will be able to reimburse employers for the costs incurred when obtaining coverage for covered individuals, as defined within the statute.

You can find the application, along with instructions and other program information on the Firefighter Cardiac Benefit Program webpage.

If you do not know your agency’s formulaic credentials, please contact Chris Ockwig at 720-795-8434 for assistance.

Chris Ockwig, Program Manager at 720-795-8434 or chris.ockwig@state.co.us
Alacia Isom, Program Assistant at 720-766-499 or alacia.isom@state.co.us


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