Fact Sheets for Local Governments
Local governments can use the following fact sheets to help carry out requirements related to water and land use planning integration in state statutes and the Department of Local Affairs' Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) Program Grant Guidelines.
- Setting the table: Where are you in the water conversation?
- Water Planning Self-Assessment
- Tips to Implement Requirements in State Statutes
- Tips on Connecting to the Colorado Water Plan
- Department of Local Affairs' Technical Assistance - Water & Land Use Integration
Tools for Local Governments
Examples of available tools for integrated water and land use planning include:
- Colorado Growing Water Smart Self-Assessment and Guidebook (by Sonoran Institute and Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy)
- Incorporating Water into Comprehensive Planning (by Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy)
- Best Practices for Implementing Water Conservation and Demand Management Through Land Use Planning Efforts (developed for an audience of Colorado water providers by Getches Wilkinson Center and Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy)
- Examples of Best Practices in Colorado (by UC-Denver)
Planning Resources at DOLA
Not finding what you are looking for? Contact Scott Williamson ( for more resources.
Colorado Water and Land Use Planning Alliance
The Alliance is a non-formal group that helps local communities to effectively incorporate water in comprehensive planning. The work of the Alliance supports priorities in the Colorado Water Plan. Participants from state agencies, local governments, advocacy organizations, research organizations, and other interested parties come together to develop resources, provide technical assistance, and track progress on water and land use integration across Colorado.
Get Involved
Quarterly meetings of the Alliance are a great place to understand Colorado’s efforts to integrate water and land use. For meeting summaries, visit the Colorado Water Conservation Board’s Land Use page. Contact Scott Williamson ( to learn more.