The Watershed Resilience Pilot Program is a holistic program designed to align watershed restoration and risk mitigation with community and economic development goals using a collaborative, multi-jurisdictional, coalition‐of‐partners approach.
CDBG-DR funds support capacity building through watershed coalition staffing; multi‐objective planning, modeling, and conceptual design activities; and project implementation to address long‐term system improvements that build resilience in watersheds. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs administers these competitive funds in partnership with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Colorado Watershed Conservation Board (CWCB).
Approximately $36 million was made available to watershed coalitions and their stakeholders, with approximately 80 percent of the funds being allocated to the hardest‐hit counties of Boulder, Larimer, and Weld.
Program Participants
Program participants include Watershed Coalitions that are located in federally‐declared disaster areas from 2012 –2013
Including FEMA Disasters
- 4145‐DR severe storms,
- flooding, landslides and mudslides;
- 4134‐DR Black Forest Wildfire; 4133‐DR Royal Gorge Wildfire; and
4067‐DR High Park and Waldo Canyon Wildfires.
Disaster Declared Year Counties Affected 2013 Severe Storms, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides Sept. 2013 Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Clear Creek, Crowley, Denver, El Paso, Fremont, Gilpin, Jefferson, Lake, Larimer, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld Black Forest Wildfire Summer 2013 El Paso Royal Gorge Wildfire Summer 2013 Fremont High Park and Waldo Canyon Wildfires Summer 2012 El Paso, Larimer, Teller
Applications Closed
Staff is currently working with those eligible applicants who applied, and were awarded funds to reimburse them for disaster-related expenses.
Program Guidelines
Watershed & Ditch Guidelines Version 4.0
Contacts for Program
Will Cundiff, Grants Financial Administrator
Program Summary
Watershed Resilience Summary
DOLA - EWP Flood Recovery Summary