Economic Vitality

Economic vitality strengthens a community’s existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base to create jobs and to respond to today’s consumers’ needs, and to boost the profitability and sales tax revenue of the district. Main Street sharpens the competitiveness of existing business owners, fosters entrepreneurial start-ups and expansions, recruits compatible new businesses and new economic uses, and converts unused or underused commercial space into economically productive property.

Help for Businesses

Creative Industries

Spotlight: Town of Ridgway - A Creative Main Street

Fostering Economic Growth on Main Street

Spotlight: City of Steamboat Springs - Growing Businesses with a Farmers Market

Spotlight: City of Trinidad - Prepare for a Bright Future

Tips: How to Build Your District and Areas Over Time

Downtown Development Authorities, Business Improvement Districts, Tax Increment Financing

Spotlight: Town of Windsor - Creating a Vision with Results

Real Estate

Construction Mitigation

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