Main Street Reinvestment Statistics


Colorado Main Street, as DOLA’s premier rural development community program, assists our communities as they coalesce funding, data and information, and technical assistance to support vibrant downtowns statewide. The reinvestment statistics, reported quarterly, demonstrate the impact of community efforts in tandem with the customizable, accessible, and holistic services from the program.

Net New Jobs and Business

Seventy-four net new businesses opened in 25 official Main Streets in 2023, bringing 325 net new full-time employees and 327 net new part-time employees to these communities.

Public and Private Investments, Improvements

Public (more than $30 million) and private investment (nearly $102 million) on Main Street helped with 132 building improvements, 22 new constructions, and 56 public improvement projects.

Events, Attendees, Volunteer Hours

The number of events is up to 254, with an estimated attendance of 286,000. These events, as well as other projects of our Main Street communities, were made possible by more than 16,000 hours donated by generous volunteers. 

For historical and nationwide data, visit the National Main Street Center.


Join Main Street

Colorado Main Street provides cities and towns with technical assistance and funding to support vibrant downtowns and enhance local character. Please contact Colorado Main Street to explore the program with you and your community.


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