Gray and Black Market Marijuana Enforcement Grant

The program provides financial assistance grants annually to local law enforcement agencies and district attorneys through the local governments for the investigation and prosecution costs associated with unlicensed marijuana cultivation or distribution operations. By filling out the online portal application, Colorado County and Municipality applicants are opting into the grant program. Grant amounts will be determined by population formula.


The grant program has four funding priorities:

  • Rural areas;
  • Large scale operations;
  • Organized crime operations; or
  • Operations that divert marijuana outside of Colorado.

New Funding Available
$900,000 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Application Timeline

  • Application opens: October 23, 2023
  • Application closes: November 30, 2023
  • Contract term: Contract will expire June 30, 2026

The grant program accepts funding requests until the end of the application period and program funds will be awarded until all funds have been exhausted.

Who Should Apply

In accordance with statute, Colorado Revised Statute 24-32-119, rural areas will receive priority funding. To achieve this, rural area population figures will be weighted heavier. Rural areas are defined in Colorado Revised Statute 24-32-119 as:

  • A county with a population of less than 200,000 people, according to the most recently available population statistics of the United States Bureau of the Census; or
  • A municipality with a population of less than 30,000 people according to the most recent available statistics of the United States Bureau of the Census, that is located 10 miles or more from a municipality with a population of more than 50,000 people.

DOLA will confirm applicants meet the “rural area” definition at the time of submission.

The Application Process

In order to receive a grant, local governments apply annually. Those that do apply must agree to:

  • Spend funds on statutory priorities,
  • Cooperate with district attorneys to cover prosecution expenses as defined in the statute,
  • Report annually on how funds were spent and the effectiveness of the program.

This is a financial assistance grant for investigations and/or prosecution expenses of unlicensed marijuana cultivation or distribution operations. Some examples may include:

  • Personnel/overtime
  • Contractual services
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Travel
  • Pretrial incarceration expenses
  • Medical expenses related to injury or exposure during a marijuana investigation
  • Purchase of information (informants) or evidence (contraband)

To ensure you develop a complete application please read Colorado Revised Statute 24-32-119

Application Overview

Applicant/Contact Information

  • Local Government name (All applicants must be county or municipal local governments)
  • Chief Elected Official (i.e. Mayor, County Commissioner Chairman)
  • Principal Representative
  • Designated contact person/Responsible Administrator for the application

Honorific / Title

Applicant Affirmations

Board Approval / Taxpayer's Bill of Rights

  • Official board action: Every application must provide the date the city/town/county board, council or trustees authorized the submittal of the grant application.
  • Taxpayer's Bill of Rights: The funds for the Gray and Black Market Enforcement Grant program are state funds and may be subject to the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Local jurisdictions are responsible for their own Taxpayer's Bill of Rights compliance.  Please consult with legal counsel regarding the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights limits for the local government applicant(s) before submitting an application.

NOFA/Application Guidelines

Funding Decisions

Last Two Fiscal Year Final Funding Decisions


Contact Information

Initial Interest

Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.


Program Contact

Ella Bowman
Grant Program Manager
(303) 864-7896


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