The division of local government created and collected these forms and sample documents as a convenience to special districts to meet their statutory election requirements. These forms were written using relevant statutory citations and secretary of state rules that govern elections and campaign and political finance. Many of the election documents and samples enclosed were created, in part, with assistance from other special district governments. Special districts are not required to use all of these specific forms. However, a district wishing to develop its own documents may want to consult with legal counsel for guidance.
Election Documents
SD-30.1: Letter - Request to Clerk &, Recorder for registered voter list
SD-30.2: Letter - Request to Assessor for property owner's list
SD-31: Application for an Absentee ballot
SD-31.2: Absentee Voter Secrecy Sleeve with Voter Instructions
SD-31.3:Return Envelope with Affidavit
SD-31.4: Request for Emergency absentee ballot
SD-32.1: Absentee Record of Applications (Cover sheet)
SD-32.2: Absentee Record of Applications and Ballot Log OR 32.25 Excel version
SD-32.3: Permanent Absentee Voters Record OR 32.35 Excel version
SD-32.4: Absentee Ballot Daily Batching Log OR 32.45 Excel version
SD-33: Poll Book (Polling Place Election) OR 33.15 Excel version
SD-34: Polling Place Election Notice
SD-35: Sample Ballot -- Polling Place Elections
SD-36: Eligible Voter Form name on Clerk &, Recorder or Assessor list
SD-36.2: Self-Affirming Oath or Affirmation of Elector - not on Lists
SD-37.2: No Electioneering or Firearms Sign
SD-40.1: Letter - Request to Clerk and Recorder for Voter Registration
SD-40.2: Request to Assessor for Property Owner’s List
SD-41: Sample Ballot for Mail Ballot Election
SD-42: Request for Mail Ballot
SD-42.1: Sample Mail Ballot Return Envelope
SD-42.2: Mail Ballot Instructions and Secrecy Sleeve
SD-43: Mail Ballot Plan (Template)
SD-44.1: Mail Ballot Poll Book
SD-44.2: Mail Ballot Daily Batch Log (aids counting process) or 44.25 Excel version
SD-44.3: Mail Ballot Record and Reconciliation Sheet