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The following information is not legal advice.
The following answers to Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) are intended to assist special districts organized pursuant to Title 32, Article 1 (“Special District Act” or “Act”), of the Colorado Revised Statutes, primarily for Designated Election Officials (DEOs), but also as a reference for board members, staff, and the general public.
These FAQs serve as a supplement to the special district election laws that the Division of Local Government (“DLG”) is required to transmit in accordance with §1-1-108(2), Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.), as part of the Special District Election Manual. Special districts, DEOs, and the general public have many questions about special district elections conducted under the Colorado Local Government Election Code (Title 1, Article 13.5, C.R.S). Special district elections are similar to, but different than, coordinated elections conducted by County Clerk and Recorders under the Uniform Election Code.
Portions of these FAQs may apply to other types of local governments that are not Title 32-Article 1 special districts or that are directed to use the Local Government Election Code. Use caution in applying any of the information below to the conduct of other local government elections, however, as this document is intended specifically for 32-1 districts.
The answer to each question in this FAQ document includes a reference to the relevant statutory or constitutional provision, Attorney General Opinion, or Secretary of State (SOS) Election Rule. Each entry includes a summary (where applicable), the reference source, and lastly, any pertinent templates. Direct quotes from statute are highlighted in grey background.
The FAQs are categorized according to issues that have arisen over multiple elections. For basic special district election terminology, consult the Elections Quick Glossary.
The relevant statutes and Article X, § 20 of the Colorado Constitution (“TABOR”) are found in the Election Manual on the Special district Elections page under the “Election Manual” section for that election year. For a full set of the Colorado Revised Statutes go to the Colorado General Assembly Laws website to find the most current available version.
The SOS Election & Campaign Political Finance (CPF) Rules are available at the Secretary of State’s website.
While DLG makes every effort to ensure that the information in these assistance publications is accurate, users must be certain to use the most current versions of the referenced sources. Links to Department websites outside the Department of Local Affairs (“DOLA”) in particular are outside DOLA’s control, and change frequently.