Volunteer Firefighter Pension Application Process


2024 State Contribution to Volunteer Firefighter Pension Funds

To request a state contribution to a Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund as set forth in C.R.S. 31-30-1112, an eligible municipality or district (C.R.S. 31-30-1102) must complete the annual application and submit all required supporting information. The state contribution is based on all amounts contributed to the pension fund from the local government’s local taxes (C.R.S. 31-30-1110) in the previous year. Therefore, the 2023 state contribution will be based on verified* local tax revenue contributed to the pension fund in calendar year 2022 (*as reported in the audited financial statements of the eligible entity for the period ending December 31, 2023.)

Please complete the application thoroughly to ensure a timely state contribution. If a requested item is not applicable, enter “n/a” or “0” as appropriate in the blank. If you have any questions regarding the completion of this application or required supporting documentation contact Claire Kreycik at claire.kreycik@state.co.us or 303-928-9453, or Becky Saad at Becky.Saad@state.co.us or 303-864-7894.

Application Deadline

The application deadline is October 31, 2024.


  • Local Government Information (Applicant)
    • The legal name of the eligible local government applying for the State Contribution to the Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund.
    • Some pension funds are consolidated or jointly administered and in this case each participating local government must apply separately to receive its own state contribution to the Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund. Please ensure you identify all participating local governments in section "B5" of the application.
  • Contact Person
    • This is the applicant/local government’s primary contact person for this application and all DOLA Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund correspondence. Be sure to include phone and email information in the event we have questions regarding your application.

Section B: Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund Membership, Benefits, and Management

  • B1. Number of active volunteer firefighters who earned 1 full year pension service credit for 2023—list the number of volunteers who in 2023 were on the roster, completed required training, actively served and earned pension service credit. (Volunteer Roster)
  • B2. Number of retired pensioners/beneficiaries receiving monthly benefits as of Jan. 1, 2023—list the number of retired volunteers who were receiving monthly retirement benefits as of Jan. 1, 2023.
  • B3. Maximum Benefit: Monthly benefit paid per volunteer upon retirement, as of Jan. 1, 2023—list the scheduled monthly benefit amount as of January 1, 2023 paid for normal retirement (20 years of service and age 50) to retired volunteers. If the scheduled benefit is greater than $300, you must also complete section C and include your most recent actuarial study with your application documentation.
  • B4. Third Party Administrator: System will display pension fund administrator, such as FPPA, otherwise the local government, trustee or organization that manages/administers your local government's volunteer firefighter pension plan.
  • B5. Joint Pension Funds: A consolidated or jointly administered volunteer firefighter pension fund with any other local government(s). If your fund is not contributed to by 2 or more local governments then skip this question.

Section C: 2023 Actuarially Required Contribution (ARC) to Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund

If the scheduled monthly benefit for normal retirement (20 years of service and age 50) is $300 or less, skip this section. If the scheduled monthly benefit is greater than $300, the local government must provide information regarding the ARC to fund a $300 monthly benefit level (regardless of your actual benefit amount) and include your most recent actuarial study with your application.

  • C1. Applicant’s contribution (Actuarially Required Contribution): Report the applicant’s ARC to fund a $300 benefit level. Here you report the ARC for your local government only. If this is a joint pension fund, report only the percentage of the ARC that your local government is responsible for.
  • C2. Actuarially Required Contribution to pension fund from other participating local governments— only required if this is a JOINT pension fund. If not, you may enter $0 or skip this question. Here you report the combined portion of the other local governments’ shares of the ARC to the consolidated or jointly administered pension fund.
  • C3. TOTAL ARC: Total Actuarially Required Contribution (ARC) to fund a $300 benefit - The sum of lines 1 and 2 equal the pension fund’s 2022 or 2023 Actuarially Required Contribution. If this is not a joint fund, you will duplicate the amount listed on line 1 for your local government.
    • Actuarial Supporting Documentation: Required for local governments with a scheduled plan benefit level greater than $300 per month as of January 1, 2023. Supporting documentation can include either a letter from the fund’s actuary stating the applicant’s previous year (2022 or 2023) ARC to fund a $300 benefit level, or a copy of the actuarial study that was in effect and details the previous year’s (2022 or 2023) ARC for a $300 benefit level. You may submit the single page from the actuarial study that clearly identifies the 2022 or 2023 ARC to fund the plan at a $300 benefit level, if desired.

Section D: Applicant’s 2023 Local Tax Contributions to Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund

  • D1. Local Tax Contribution-Applicant: Only report the applicant’s total tax revenue authorized to be contributed to the pension fund for 2023, net after deducting County Treasurer’s Fees. This should include the proceeds from a property tax levy of not more than one mill, and/or the proceeds of any other tax that the municipality or district is authorized to collect. NOTE: State Contributions are only made to Volunteer Firefighter Pension Plans as defined in C.R.S. Title 31, Article 30, Part 11. Other types of Length of Service Award Plans (LOSAP) are NOT eligible for State Contribution.
  • 1b. Supporting Documentation: If your local government’s audited financial statements do not clearly identify the 2023 local tax contribution to the volunteer firefighter pension fund, please provide other documentation that supports the amount entered in question 1. This can be an authoritative 3rd party source of contribution verification, such as a FPPA or VFIS statement(s), 1 year of COLOTRUST statements, or 1 year of pension fund bank statements.
  • D2. Local Tax Contributions-Total: Report the combined total for the applicant’s tax revenue contribution and for all other participating (joint or consolidated) local government tax revenue contributions to the fund for 2023. If this is not a joint fund, skip this section.
  • D3. All Other Combined Local Contributions (include gifts, grants, etc.)—Local non-tax contributions including gifts and grants. It is not necessary to specify the source, just the total amount received in 2023.
  • D4. State Contribution (Received in 2023): Enter the amount of the State of Colorado contribution to your local government's volunteer firefighter pension fund for 2023. Enter "0" if none. For joint pension funds enter information for your local government only.

Section E: Applicant Comments

  • Enter any comments you may have regarding your application.
  • Late Status Supporting Document: If you are requesting late status and the reason for the delay is in completing a required audit or actuarial study, obtain a written statement from your auditor or actuary to that effect and upload the document here prior to submitting your incomplete application. Be sure to note in the comments box above the date you expect the delayed item to be complete. If late status is approved, we will "suspend" your application and notify you via email. Once your application is suspended it is open for you to edit as necessary before resubmitting.

Section F: Certification of the Application

  • E-signature of Responsible Administrator.

Program Contacts

Becky Saad
Program Manager

Claire Kreycik
Program Assistant


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