Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant (EIAF)

The Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant (EIAF) program assists political subdivisions that are socially and/or economically impacted by the development, processing, or energy conversion of minerals and mineral fuels. Funds come from the state severance tax on energy and mineral production and from a portion of the state's share of royalties paid to the federal government for mining and drilling of minerals and mineral fuels on federally-owned land.


Who Should Apply

Eligible entities to receive grants and loans include municipalities, counties, school districts, special districts and other political subdivisions and state agencies.

Department of Local Affair’s intent in administering this grant program is to do as outlined in statute and promote sustainable community development, increase livability and resilience of communities through strategic investments in asset-building activities. The most successful applications into this program are those that demonstrate urgency and local commitment to get the project done, show a high priority for the proposed application, are prepared to start work, and can demonstrate a relationship to energy and mineral impact in rural Colorado.


The Application Process

Applications for any of the current Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) funding opportunities may be submitted as part of the regularly planned EIAF cycles.

The EIAF Cycle 24-11 application opens on July 1, 2024 and closes on August 1, 2024.

In order to be accepted into an EIAF grant cycle, applicants must contact their Regional Manager prior to submitting any application and must be "ready to go"; furthermore, if there are any questions in preparing the application, applicants should contact their Department of Local Affairs Regional Manager.

Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant Program Guidelines

Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant Application - PDF or Microsoft Word

Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant Budget - Financials Template

MHN Land Use Strategies & Best Practices Form

2024 Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant County Impact Scores

Apply and Manage Grant

The Application Cycle

The Department of Local Affairs is pleased to announce the following schedule for applications in the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Program through  April 1, 2024.

Cycle 24-11: $25,000,000 available

    Tier I (up to $200,000) and Tier II ($200,001 to $1,000,000) applications accepted

  • Application period opens: July 1, 2024
  • Application period closes: 5:00 p.m. August 1, 2024
  • Final awards: November 2024

The amounts available in the cycle identified above depend on the revenues generated by severance and federal mineral lease collections.

EIAF Initiatives: In addition, the EIAF program will have additional funding available in Cycle 24-11 for the following initiatives:

  • Climate Resilience Challenge: $10,000,000 available.
  • More Housing Now and Land Use Initiative: $20,000,000 available.

Contact Information

Initial Interest

Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.


Program Contact

Angie Cue


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