The Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits (FCB) Fund reimburses qualifying employers for the costs of maintaining insurance coverage or alternate plans to provide the benefits to qualifying firefighters. Moneys in the Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Fund are used to reimburse employers for the direct costs of maintaining insurance coverage or alternate plans.
Who Qualifies
The following entities are eligible to receive reimbursement as “employers” under the Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Program:
- A municipality that employs one or more covered individual,
- A special district that employs one or more covered individual,
- A fire authority that employs one or more covered individual, or
- A county improvement district that employs one or more covered individual.
To be qualified as a “covered individual” for purposes of the Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Program, an individual must:
- Be an active employee of an employer,
- Be a full-time employee of an employer who regularly works at least one thousand six hundred (1600) hours in any calendar year,
- Perform duties that are directly involved with the provision of fire protection services, and
- Have at least five years of continuous full-time employment with an employer.
The Reimbursement Process
Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Reimbursement Applications will be made available in the Formulaic Portal on July 15th and will close June 30th of the following year. It is important for each applicant to review the Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Online Reimbursement Instructions provided to ensure ease in the application process.
Forms and Resources
Current Allocation (State Fiscal Year 2024)
State Fiscal Year Allocation Total
- $809,033.00
Amount Requested by Firefighter Heart and Circulatory Malfunction Benefits Employers
This amount contains the total of all reimbursement requests that have been received and fully reviewed.
- $745,540.00
Amount Approved
This amount contains the total of all reimbursement requests that have been approved for payment or are pending payment.
- $742,88.00
Remaining Balance
- $66,153.00
Contact Information
Initial Interest
Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.
Program Contact
Chris Ockwig
Program Manager
(720) 795-8434
Alacia Isom
Program Assistant
(720) 766-4999