Land Use Codes


A land use code is a planning implementation tool of the community’s comprehensive plan. The land use code can include zoning regulations, subdivision regulations, annexation policy, impact fees, public hearing processes, fence and sign permitting, and more. For example, a land use code may prescribe how tall a single-family home can be, the density of a planned community, the minimum parking requirements for a retail complex, or the allowed uses within a commercial building.


Looking for Your Local Land Use Code?

Local government land use authority depends on the government's classification (e.g., statutory vs. home rule municipalities). One way municipalities and counties regulate land use is through zoning (with notable limitations, e.g., federal limitations on telecommunications, group homes, signs). Questions regarding zoning as it applies to a specific parcel in a Colorado jurisdiction, such as allowed uses, should be directed to the local planning department.


Planning for Hazards: Land Use Solutions for Colorado

The Planning for Hazards: Land Use Solutions for Colorado guide and website enables Colorado communities to prepare for and mitigate multiple hazards by integrating resilience and hazard mitigation into plans, codes, and standards related to land use and the built environment. The guide includes model code language for integrating hazards into 11 planning strategies including development agreements, 1041 regulations, cluster subdivisions, stream buffers and setbacks, and stormwater ordinances. For more information visit Planning for Hazards.


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