Tips For Running A Public Hearing

  1. Chair calls meeting to order, announces agenda, approves minutes of past meeting(s), and outlines the general procedures under which cases will be considered.
  2. Chair declares the public hearing open.
  3. Staff introduces the case and enters, if applicable, the following exhibits into the record:
    1. Proposed ordinance or resolution by title only
    2. Official application form and attachments, if any
    3. Staff report
    4. General reference map of the area
    5. Applicable Comprehensive Plan documents by reference
    6. Zoning Ordinance by reference
    7. Official Zoning Maps by reference
    8. Proof of Posting
    9. Proof of Publication
    10. Public hearing roster, if used
  4. Staff presents its analysis of the case and the comments of referral agencies, and then makes a recommendation for Commission action.
  5. Applicant presents the case, including presentation of exhibits, and formally requests action to be taken.

Note: The burden rests with the applicant to produce evidence sufficient to prove the request is justified.

  1. Chair establishes whether proponents and opponents are represented by a spokesperson. The Chair may establish a time limit on persons (staff and applicants excepted) who wish to address the Commission.
  2. Public may comment or ask questions.
    1. Proponents speak first
    2. Opponents speak second

Note: At no time should the public speak directly to the applicant or vice versa. All comments should be directed to the Commission.

  1. Applicant may reply to staff and public questions, but may not introduce any new evidence or information not previously presented by either group.
  2. Commission may ask questions of applicant. 
  3. Chair will close public portion of the hearing.
  4. Discussion by the Commission.

Note: Only the staff may be questioned at this stage.

  1. Declaration of Findings of Fact.
  2. Action by the Commission.
    1. Motion by Commission member
    2. Roll call/electronic vote, chair votes last