Limited Gaming Grant Application Categories and Documented Impacts


Program Definitions

Committee - Limited Gaming Impact Advisory Committee

Documented Gaming Impacts –Gaming related expenses, costs, and other negative impacts that are incurred directly as a result of limited gaming and that are documented, and Committee approved.

  • Direct Impact – negative impacts, those documented and linked directly to the impacts of the gaming industry.
  • Negative Impact – impacts to the local government that result in expenses beyond what are currently covered by revenues or other funds collected.
  • Positive Impact – Revenues derived from the gaming industry, taxes received through gaming tourism, taxes received through increased employee or tourism driven residency that provide revenue to an eligible local government.

Gaming Industry – Gaming related activity on, in or attached to a licensed Colorado casino property.

Ineligible Impacts - Secondary Impact –Secondary documented gaming impacts are those that are not immediately linked to a direct gaming impact. These are impacts such as a relative that is not the parent, child or guardian of a child who works in the industry or a traffic violation or accident that occurred after the car had stopped at an alternate location post gambling establishment.

Unmet Need - Documented Gaming impacts which do not receive direct revenue or a Constitutional Direct Distribution (DD) to mitigate. The term unmet need is originally established in the 1996 Task Force Report which ultimately repealed the Contiguous Counties Limited Gaming Impact Fund and Municipal Limited Gaming Impact Fund and consolidated them into the LGLGI Fund.

Application Categories and Documented Impacts

The following impacts, per grant category, are intended to help grant applicants submit the best information to be competitive within this grant program. Awards will be made to address unmet needs for direct impacts. Secondary impacts are ineligible.

EMS and Health Care Services

Direct Impacts – Eligible Service Calls:

  • On a casino property
  • Cases related to driving are not eligible solely based on their location. There must be independently verifiable documentation that the individual is directly travelling to or from a casino.
  • Medical services (for residents or tourists) due to gaming related incidences identified in either the law enforcement or human services definitions are eligible.

Application Documentation Required:

  • Total Number of calls
  • Total Number of gaming calls
  • List of all gaming calls
  • Actual un-reimbursed costs must show applicant full operations and how that number was calculated in relationship to the cost for call. (Line item expenditures per run at a specific rate amount MINUS amount received from the feds for the runs MINUS Insurance coverage between Jan 1 and Dec 31 of the previous year = total impact cost). The intent is NOT to gap Medicaid, but instead to pay for documented impacts.
  • Method used to determine call is a Gaming Related negative impact and copies of any forms utilized to identify gaming relationship.
  • Documentation independently verifiable, used to create the numbers.
  • If documentation is not available, we cannot fund.

Ineligible Impacts:

  • Industry employee residency, in itself, is not an eligible gaming relationship. That is, a person living in a residence that also occupied by someone in the gaming industry is not eligible unless they are an immediate family member.

Human Services - Operations and Contracted

Direct Gaming Impacts which serve:

  • Eligible client is a gaming employee or a child/individual in the guardianship of a gaming employee or an individual patron of the gaming industry or a child/individual in the guardianship of the individual patron of the gaming industry.
  • Clients and their immediate family receiving assistance and is employed by or is a patron of the gaming industry. Each case must detail how working in or patronizing the gaming industry is creating the hardship.
  • Clients and their immediate family receiving assistance and was recently laid off from a casino due to no fault of their own. These cases must detail how the gaming industry is causing the hardship and must have been laid off within a year.
  • Definition of Immediate Family:
    • Legal Guardians and their dependents. Extended family is ineligible.

Application Documentation Required:

  • Total Number of cases
  • Total Number of gaming cases
  • List of all gaming cases
  • Cost per case - costs must show applicant full operations and how the cost per case number was calculated in relationship to operations.
  • Method used to determine case is Gaming Related negative impact and copies of any forms utilized to identify gaming relationship.
    • Note: Questionnaire/Intake Forms, utilized for determining gaming impact, must include at least the following questions, when applicable:
      • Do you work in or are you a patron of the gaming industry?
      • Child services (up to age 18): does your parent or guardian work in or patronize the gaming Industry?
      • What are the days/hours that your parent/guardian works in or patronizes the gaming industry?
  • Documentation independently verifiable, used to create the numbers
  • If documentation is not available, we cannot fund.

Ineligible Impacts:

Industry employee residency, in itself, is not an eligible gaming relationship. That is, a person living in a residence that is also occupied by someone in the gaming industry is not eligible unless they are an immediate family member.


Direct Impacts – Inmate Cases:

  • On a casino property
  • Independently verifiable documentation that the individual is directly travelling to or from a casino when the violation occurred. Cases related to driving are not eligible solely based on their location.
  • Laws broken in the community when a visitor was in the town to game, e.g. theft in the community by someone visiting to game.

Application Documentation Required:

  • Number of gaming related days
  • Number of Gaming Inmates
  • Method used to determine inmate is Gaming Related and copies of any forms utilized to identify gaming relationship.
  • Documentation independently verifiable, used to create the numbers
  • If documentation is not available, we cannot fund.

Funding will be determined by: (number of gaming related days of stay) x Committee Approved Rate = Grant Award Amount

Ineligible Impacts:

  • Industry Employees residency, in itself, is not an eligible gaming relationship. Laws which are violated by residents employed by the gaming industry must violate the law based on the above definitions in order to be counted as a gaming related case.

Law Enforcement

Direct Impacts - Eligible offenses:

On a casino property

Independently verifiable documentation that the individual is directly travelling to or from a casino when the violation occurred. Cases related to driving are not eligible solely based on their location.

Laws broken in the community when a visitor was in the town to game, e.g. an assault in the community by someone visiting to game.

Application Documentation Required:

  • Total Number of calls
  • Total Number of gaming calls
  • List of all gaming calls
  • Cost per call
  • Actual costs must show applicant full operations and how that number was calculated in relationship to the cost for call. (Average cost per call TIMES number of calls that are actually documented as gaming related = total cost per gaming related call). Method used to determine call is Gaming Related and copies of any forms utilized to identify gaming relationship.
  • Documentation independently verifiable, used to create the numbers. Applicants can use the DOLA created patrol expense tracking form as the documentation. This form is available on the Gaming webpage.
  • If documentation is not available, we cannot fund.

Ineligible Impacts:

Industry Employees residency, in itself, is not an eligible gaming relationship. Laws which are violated by residents employed by the gaming industry must violate the law based on the above definitions in order to be counted as a gaming related case.


Direct Impacts - Eligible offenses:

  • On a casino property
  • Independently verifiable documentation that the individual is directly travelling to or from a casino when the violation occurred. Cases related to driving are not eligible solely based on the location of the violation.
  • Laws broken in the community when a visitor was in the town to game, e.g. domestic violence in the community by a gaming visitor in town.

Application Documentation Required:

  • Impact Definition: cases inside a casino, on casino property, or were drinking at the casino, driving to and from the casino. Other cases counted must be defined by applicant.
  • Number total cases
  • Number of gaming related cases assessed and prosecuted
  • Arraignment and prosecution cost per case
  • Actual costs to prosecute gaming case must show applicant gaming operations, as a percent relationship to total operations, and how that number was calculated.
  • Gaming requests must be net the County contribution received by the DA’s office during the documenting year.
  • Gaming requests must be net the contribution paid by the county.
  • Staffing costs involved that are being counted toward costs must itemized
  • Method used to determine gaming relationship created a negative impact onto the applicant and copies of any forms utilized to identify gaming relationship.
  • Documentation independently verifiable, used to create the numbers.
  • Dollars spent on gaming cases after receiving funds from Counties for cases, that is, the amount of expenses that are not covered by other revenues.
  • If documentation is not available, we cannot fund.

Ineligible Impacts:

Industry Employees residency, in itself, is not an eligible gaming relationship. Laws which are violated by residents employed by the gaming industry must violate the law based on the provided definitions, within each category, in order to be counted as a gaming related case.

Other Applications

If a local government identifies an impact that does not fall into one of these categories, upon request, the Department will make available a general application for completion. All documentation proving that there is a gaming related negative impact that is not covered by other revenue sources must be provided at application submittal. Funding may not be available at this time for construction grant applications due to limited funds. However, we may accept smaller, capital outlay and equipment requests so long as it is clear that the documented impact is in the application requiring the purchase of the equipment/capital outlay.


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