Limited Gaming Impact Grant

The Local Government Limited Gaming Impact Program provides financial assistance to local governments in addressing documented gaming impacts stemming from limited stakes gaming in the communities of Cripple Creek, Black Hawk and Central City. The program is financed with a portion of state taxes on limited gaming activities in these municipalities.


Grant funds are provided to eligible local governments through a competitive application process to finance planning, construction and maintenance of public facilities and the provision of public services related to documented gaming impacts. Successful applicants must be able to quantify gaming impacts and to identify the public service and facility needs associated with those impacts.

Notice of Public Meeting

Gaming Impact Advisory Committee
Review and Recommendation on 2024 Applications

Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Division of Local Government (DLG) will hold a public meeting for the Gaming Impact Advisory Committee. The purpose of the meeting is to review 2024 Gaming Impact applications and develop a recommendation for the DOLA Executive Director.

This meeting will be held virtually with login information below.

Google Meet joining info


Or by phone: 304-988-5196

PIN: ‪865 580 421#


Who Should Apply

The geographic eligibility area for the Program includes the counties of Gilpin and Teller as well as the eight counties contiguous to these two counties: Boulder, Clear Creek, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Grand, Jefferson, and Park. In addition, counties that contain tribal lands where limited-stakes gaming occurs are also included within the geographic eligibility area. Tribal gaming counties include: Archuleta, La Plata, and Montezuma.

The types of local governments eligible to receive assistance include: counties, municipalities (with the exception of the three gaming cities: Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek) and special districts that provide emergency services. In addition, eligible local governments may apply on behalf of private nonprofit agencies that are impacted by gaming.

The Application Process

The 2024 application cycle has closed. 2025 application information will be posted early spring.

Consult with your Regional Manager prior to submitting an application.

**Applications must be submitted using the online portal below. No paper or emailed applications will be accepted.**

Apply and Manage Grant


2023 Gaming Impact Awards


Contact Information

Initial Interest

Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.


Program Contacts

Program Manager
Leslie Jones
1313 Sherman Street, Room 521
Denver, CO 80203

Advisory committee composition is set forth in Colorado Revised Statute 44-30-1302.

The department is assisted by the Limited Gaming Impact Advisory Committee, which includes thirteen members, meeting several times each year to consider applications for grants. Two members are appointed by the Governor serving at the pleasure of the Governor; two members from the senate and house of representatives are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate; three members are state department executive directors or their designees; five members represent counties and municipalities eligible to receive funds, and the final member represents special districts providing emergency services eligible to receive funds. Final funding decisions are made by the department's Executive Director.


Senate Appointee
Senator Dylan Roberts
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the President of the Senate.

House of Representatives Appointee
Representative Barbara McLachlan
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Speaker of the House.

Gubernatorial Appointees
Kayla Garcia
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

David Thurow
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

State Agency Representatives
Maria De Cambra, Executive Director
Department of Local Affairs
Term: Serves by virtue of position.

Kelly Kissell, Manager
Department of Public Safety
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Executive Director, Department of Public Safety

Jason Grothaus, Department Controller
Department of Revenue
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Executive Director, Department of Revenue.

County Representatives
Bob Campbell, Commissioner
Teller County
Term: 4 years. Ends: 5-15-2027

George Marlin, Commissioner
Clear Creek County Board of Commissioners
Term: First 4 Year Term Ends 5-15-2025

Chuck Stevens
Southwest Colorado Representative
Term: 4 years. Ends 5-15-2027

Municipal Representatives
Chuck Harmon, Mayor
Town of Idaho Springs
Term: 2 years. Ends: 5-15-2025

Mayor Clark Craig
Town of Ignacio
Term: 4 years. Ends: 5-15-2027

Emergency Services District Representative
Eric Murray, EMS Director
Southwest Teller County EMS
Term: Serves at the pleasure of the Director, Emergency Medical Services and Prevention Division.


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