Limited Gaming Impact Program Application Rating Criteria


2023 Grant Application Rating Criteria

Fixed Criteria (Pre-Scored)

Fixed Criteria established in HB 21-1132 and required per C.R.S 44.30.1301 (2)(a)(I)(A) and (B).

  • Community Score 2-10 (25% weighted)
    • The net cost to a community due to its host or non-host status and its geographic proximity to the casinos.
  • Impact Score 2-10 (20% weighted)
    • Increased rates of gambling addiction and indices related to gambling addiction
    • Increased service costs to service the casino
    • Increased infrastructure costs to service the casino
    • Increased rates of crime, policing, incarceration, and probation services facilitated by the presence of a casino
    • Increased traffic, noise, and traffic accidents due to casino traffic
  • Property Valuation 2-10 (10% weighted)
    • Priority for eligible local governmental entities that are counties with lower property values.

Flexible Criteria

  • Documentation of Negative Gaming Impacts 0-10 (25% weighted)
    Documentation has been provided which sufficiently illustrates the scope of negative gaming impact.
    • Material clearly describes and documents a direct relationship to gaming.
    • Request directly addresses negative impacts of gaming industry activity.
    • Documentation identifies illustrative examples and an aggregate number of cases of various negative gaming impacts to the applicant.
    • Request thoroughly details the methodology utilized for tracking negative gaming impacts.
  • Demonstration of Financial Need 0-10 (10% weighted)
    Severity and urgency of gaming impact on the community.
    • State and local tax revenue benefits from gaming are clearly described.
    • Use of direct distribution funds from gaming is clearly described.
    • Note: 10 points automatically for Applicant’s which do not receive state or local tax gaming revenue
  • Innovation and Modification 0-10 (10% weighted)
    Project modifies a current Negative Gaming Impact
    • Effort to mitigate/prevent negative impacts, improve efficiencies or effectiveness in services addressing Negative Impacts. This could include new programs or technology.
    • Capacity building and/or training.

Maximum Possible Score = 60


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