Understand your Main Street — how the board is formed (nonprofit, DDA, chamber, municipality), if it can accept funding, and if it is able manage volunteers. Each local Main Street program should have a clear and understandable vision and mission, and all staff and board members should be able to describe what Main Street does.
Complete an assessment of existing partnerships, and which partnerships are needed but not established. A written assessment is ideal, but an informal review is better than not at all. (See Assessment Partnerships.)
Identify potential partners in the community — any partners! Remember, partnerships are not just about funding, many involve mutual support, social media mentions, linking to websites.
Research potential partners to see understand their story and how it might complement the Main Street mission, vision, and transformational strategies.
Get personal. Rarely do people give money and support to an organization — they give money and support to someone they know who is passionate about a cause. Take someone to coffee, invite them to an event, attend their events.
Seize the opportunity to partner in creative ways (letters of support, sharing Facebook posts, volunteering at events, spreading the word, donating), BUT...
Be strategic. You cannot, and do not want to, partner with everyone. Or just anyone, for that matter! Always work within the Main Street program’s vision, mission, and goals.
Invest in relationships. Partnerships benefit from a regular investment of time and support. Have a plan and follow the plan.
Have fun and be creative every time you reach out. After all, if it is fun if it does not feel like work. Deliver balloons, send some cookies, dream up a Main Street mascot, hashtag them on Twitter!
Say “Thanks!” every chance you get. This is the real key to success. Recognize the people and groups that support you. Say thank you with letters, in person, on social media, and in the newspaper. A little thanks and recognition will reap big rewards.
Monitor and evaluate your partnership program at least once a year when you update your strategic plan. (See A Partnership Plan.)
Do not reinvent the relationship wheel. Find great examples of partnerships at the National Main Street website, contact staff at Colorado Main Street, and do a quick Internet search for help on how to build and create partnerships that last. (Also, see Partnership Agreements.)