Strong Communities Infrastructure Grant Program

The Strong Communities Infrastructure Grant Program provides grants to local governments for infrastructure to develop community benefit-driven infill affordable housing that meets critical housing needs as identified by the local government. Colorado counties and municipalities can apply for funds to support affordable housing development located in or adjacent to downtowns, municipal core business districts, transit oriented development areas, or where onsite child care is offered.

Infrastructure grants provide funding for infill infrastructure projects that support affordable housing and are within or adjacent to a downtown area, core business district, transit oriented development, or include onsite early childhood care and educational services.


The Strong Communities Infrastructure Grant Program is closed to new applicants. Over $35 million has been awarded to 16 grantee communities, and projects are underway. Visit DOLA's Funding Opportunities page for additional funding sources.

Infrastructure Grant Funding Awards

Strong Communities Infrastructure Grant press release


Review the documents below for additional information.

Program Contacts

Lisa Loranger
Program Manager

Moira Blake
Program Assistant

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