Strong Communities Planning Grant Program

The Strong Communities Planning Grant Program is intended to support local governments in planning for sustainable growth and development patterns and affordable housing into the future. This program provides planning grants to help communities align policies and regulations to locate affordable housing in infill locations near jobs, transit, and everyday services; ensure new neighborhoods have housing of all types, sizes, and price points; and direct housing to areas with access to multimodal transportation options.


What you need to know:

  • Applicants can be any Colorado municipality or county
  • Funds can be used to support the adoption of land use codes and policies that support sustainable development patterns and affordable housing
  • When paired with strategy adoption, funding may also cover:
    • Housing needs assessments or similar studies
    • Administrative expenses, including staffing
    • Water and/or energy conservation planning
  • 10% required match
  • Suggested maximum award is $200,000
  • All funds must be spent by October 2026.

Who Should Apply

Eligible entities include municipalities, counties, and city/counties. 

Funding Available

Funding rounds for the Strong Communities Program are closed and final funding decisions are underway. Visit DOLA's Funding Opportunities page for additional funding sources.


The Planning Grant Program expects that communities that are awarded a grant will adopt one or more of the strategies from our list of land use best practices. Go to the Land Use Best Practices page for a list of the practices, as well as webinars, instructional videos, and case studies.

Review the documents below for additional information.


Program Contacts

Lisa Loranger
Program Manager

Moira Blake
Program Assistant


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