Strong Communities

The Strong Communities Grant Program is intended to incentivize the adoption of transformational practices, programs, and policies that support sustainable development patterns and affordable housing into the future. This program will help communities align policies and regulations to focus on locating affordable housing in infill locations near jobs, transit, and everyday services; ensuring new neighborhoods have housing of all types, sizes, and price points and are connected by multimodal transportation options to the rest of the community.

The program creates two grant programs to support Colorado communities in achieving these goals:

  • Planning grants will help communities align policies and regulations to locate affordable housing in infill locations near jobs, transit, and everyday services. 
  • Infrastructure grants will provide funding to local governments for infrastructure associated with the development of community benefit-driven infill affordable housing that meets critical housing needs as identified by the local government.

The Strong Communities Grant Program was created through Colorado House Bill 22-1304 and is funded by federal stimulus funds. It is collaboratively managed by the Department of Local Affairs Division of Local Government, Colorado Energy Office, and Department of Transportation. Funding for Strong Communities is appropriated from the Affordable Housing and Home Ownership Cash Fund which originated from the Federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (also referred to as State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, or SLFRF).

Funding Available

Funding is no longer available through the Strong Communities Program. Visit DOLA's Funding Opportunities page for additional funding sources.

Funding Decisions

Land Use Best Practices

The Strong Communities Grant Program is intended to incentivize the adoption of transformational practices, programs, and policies that support sustainable growth and development patterns and affordable housing into the future. This program will help communities align policies and regulations to focus on locating all types of housing in infill locations near jobs, transit, and everyday services; ensuring new neighborhoods have housing of all shapes, sizes, and price points and are connected by multimodal transportation options to the rest of the community.


Annual Report

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Program Contacts

Lisa Loranger
Program Manager

Moira Blake
Program Assistant

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