Volunteer Firefighter Pension Funds Portal Instructions


To request a state contribution to a Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund as set forth in C.R.S. 31-30-1112, an eligible municipality or district (C.R.S. 31-30-1102) must complete the annual application and submit all required supporting information. The state contribution is based on all amounts contributed to the pension fund from the local government’s local taxes (C.R.S. 31-30-1110) in the previous year. Applications must be submitted via the Formulaic Programs Portal.


Step 1

When you arrive at the Formulaic Programs Portal, first, you must agree to the terms andconditions in order to login.

Screenshot of Fomulaic Programs Terms of Use

Step 2

Your login information is the same as in previous years. If you do not remember your password or user ID, there are buttons to solve this. If you do not have a portal account,you may create one and request association to your organization.

Screenshot of the Formulaic Programs Login screen.

Step 3

Once you login to the Formulaic Programs Portal, click on the Volunteer Firefighter Pension (VFP) tab.

Screenshot of the main menu in Formualaic Programs Portal.

Step 4

You will see a list of all organizations you are associated with on the left side, select the appropriate organization and click the blue “+” sign in the upper right hand corner to begin a new application.

Screenshot of an organization list in an account in the Forumlaic Programs Portal.

Step 5

To get started on the application, select yourself as the “Responsible Administrator”,scroll down to click Save. This will cause the “Add Funding” button to illuminate. Click “Add Funding”, a new page will display where application information can be input.

Screenshot of an Add/Update Application Information pop-up as mentioned in the previous text.

Step 6

After you have selected the appropriate fund from the drop down, click Save. Now you can begin entering the appropriate application data.

Screenshot of the application form.

Step 7

After all necessary application data has been input, click Save. Now you can upload appropriate documents such as an actuarial study or proof of contribution. Please note documents should be in PDF format.

Screenshot of the document upload area of the application form.

Step 8

After documents have been uploaded, click Save, then close the fund information page.

Screentshot of a completed and saved application.

Step 9

Feel free to input any comments relevant to the application in box E. Certify the application, click Save, then submit.

Screenshot of the comment section of the application.

Step 10

The application entry page will close and you will see the application status change to “Submitted”. In addition, you will receive a confirmation email. This is where you will see future status changes in addition to notification emails regarding application progress.

Screenshot of an organization list in an account in the Forumlaic Programs Portal.