Parliamentary Procedure


Order Of Business

  • Call to order
  • Approval of minutes
  • Reports 
  • Old business
  • New business
  • Adjourn

Tips For The Chair

  • Repeat all motions.
  • Call for both “yes” and “no” votes.
  • Don’t discuss motions.
  • Be fair.

When You Want The Group To Make A Decision:

You say, “I move that we____________________.” (Called a main motion. Only one on floor at a time.)
The Chair:

  • Repeats motion and calls for 2nd.
  • Repeats motion and calls for discussion.
  • Calls upon people who want to discuss.
  • When discussion ends, repeats motion and calls for a vote.
  • Announces result of vote.

When You Want To Make A Small Change In A Motion:

You say, “I move to amend the motion by ____________.” (e.g. “adding/substituting/striking the words...”)
The Chair:

  • Follows the same procedure as above for main motion.
  • Amendments are decided before the main motion.
  • Once the amendment is decided, return to consideration of main motion.

When You Voted On The Winning Side On A Motion But Now You Have Changed Your Mind:

You say, “I move to reconsider the motion to _____________.” (Usually at same meeting.)
The Chair:

  • Needs a second.
  • Debatable only if motion to be reconsidered is debatable. May not be amended.
  • If passed, return to discuss and vote on the motion to be reconsidered.

Minor Or Incidental Motions:

You Think The Chair Made A Mistake In Following The Rules Of Procedure:

You say, “Point of order, Mr./Ms. Chairperson.” (One of few times you may interrupt another speaker, even the Chair.)
The Chair:

  • Says: “State your point.”
  • Listens to member, decides if correct, corrects mistake, and goes on with meeting.

Group Is Bogged Down About A Matter Which Is Not Urgent, Or You Think More Information Is Needed Before The Matter Can Be Decided:

You say, “I move that we refer the matter to a committee.”
The Chair:

  • Says: “It has been moved that we refer the matter to a committee.”
  • Handles like a main motion.
  • If motion passes, refer matter to an existing committee or appoint a new one.

Group Is Not Ready To Make A Decision, And Want To Wait Until A Later Meeting To Decide:

You say, “I move that we postpone this matter until the next meeting (or other meeting).”
The Chair:

  • Handles like a main motion.
  • May be amended.
  • Only needs a majority vote.
  • If passed, put on agenda for a future meeting.

Debate Drags On, You Are Sure That Everyone Has Made Up His/Her Mind, And You Want To End The Debate:

You say, “I move the previous question.” (This is only a vote to vote. If it passes, vote on the main motion. If it fails, continue debate on main motion.)
The Chair:

  • Says: “The previous question has been moved.”
  • Requires a second.
  • No debate.
  • Two-thirds vote to pass.

Motions Which Can Be Made At Any Time:

When You Want The Group To Take A Short Break:

You say, “I move that we recess until ______ (time).”
The Chair—

  • Requires a second.
  • May be amended but no debate.
  • Majority needed to pass.

When You Want The Meeting To End:

You say, “I move that we adjourn.”
The Chair—

  • Requires a second.
  • No debate.
  • Majority needed to pass.

Time-Saver Tips:

  • Post or distribute a handout at hearings that explains the procedures and expectations of public hearings, manages public testimony, etc.
  • After presentation of the minutes (minutes do not have to be read), the chair says, “If there are no additions or corrections, the minutes will stand approved as printed.”
  • When there is no new business: “If there is no further business, the meeting is adjourned.”

Taken from William Baird’s “Parliamentary Procedure in a Nutshell,” 1974.


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