Disaster Resilience Rebuilding Program


Since 2018, twenty-seven state or federal natural disasters have been declared across Colorado and extensive property loss and environmental impact occurred. The Disaster Resilience Rebuilding Program was established to assist areas of Colorado impacted by those disasters. The program is available to assist homeowners, businesses, local governments and communities rebuild after natural disasters and is intended to help local communities and the state recover from the devastating physical and economic effects of natural disasters. The Disaster Resilience Rebuilding Program includes three main areas to focus recovery efforts:

  • Housing Recovery
  • Economic Recovery
  • Local Government and Neighborhood Recovery

Apply for Funding

First Allocation

At inception in 2022, the DRR Program is focusing on housing recovery as over 1,800 residential structures that have been lost to disasters in the past 4 years. Given the limited funding available, DOLA is prioritizing housing recovery as this is the largest need and the biggest driver in overall recovery. The Housing Recovery Program within DRR is initially allocated at $12,000,000 of the $15,000,000 funded by the Colorado legislature.

Neither Economic Recovery nor Local Government and Neighborhood Recovery programs are available in this first allocation of DRR Program funds.

For questions on the Disaster Resilience Rebuilding Program, contact the Division of Local Government directly by sending an email to victor.gutierrez@state.co.us.

The first allocation of Disaster Resilience Rebuilding funds are part of the State’s Housing Recovery Program.


Contact Information

Initial Interest

Direct inquiries regarding initial program interest to your Regional Manager. Use the other program contacts once the initial process with your Regional Manager is complete.


Program Contact

Victor Gutierrez
Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program Assistant


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