Parking Minimums

Legislation (HB 24-1304) implementation work is ongoing. Please check back regularly for updates.

Subject Jurisdictions

After consulting with the relevant agencies listed in statute, DOLA will publish maps of applicable transit areas and subject jurisdictions, which are defined in statute as: 

  • Parts of municipalities within metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) that are wholly or partially within applicable transit areas
  • Parts of counties within metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) that are wholly or partially within applicable transit areas


Local Requirement 

Within these applicable transit areas, subject jurisdictions must not enact or enforce local laws requiring minimum vehicle parking spaces for multifamily residential, adaptive reuse for residential, or adaptive reuse for mixed use that includes at least 50% of use for residential.

Nothing Prevents

Under this law, nothing prevents a local government from: 

  • Providing ADA protections
  • Enacting/enforcing parking maximums
  • Being awarded funds that require a ratio of parking
  • Enforcing agreements made from approvals prior to the effective date of this law
  • Enacting/enforcing minimum bicycle parking requirements
  • Requiring, of voluntarily-provided spaces, that owners charge a fee for use, owners contribute to a parking enterprise/system/sharing plan, or applying electric vehicle charging requirements
  • Requiring minimum parking of no more than one space per unit for housing developments containing 20 or more units or containing regulated affordable Housing (only if the local government publishes findings of substantial negative impacts without such parking minimums)

Key Dates

  • September 30, 2024: DOLA publishes applicable transit areas map
  • December 31, 2024: DOLA publishes best practices and technical assistance materials
  • June 30, 2025: Deadline to no longer enact or enforce parking minimums locally
  • December 31, 2026: Local government compliance report due (only if applicable)

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