Water Planning Fact Sheet: Setting the Table


#0 Setting the table: Where are you in the water conversation?

Municipal and industrial water uses account for 10% of Colorado’s water use. Local governments have authority to decide how they grow and have sole discretion to determine whether water supplies are adequate to support new development.


The 2023 Colorado Water Plan makes clear that:

Demands on Water are Increasing. If no new water projects or strategies are implemented, modeling for the driest periods shows Colorado communities could need 230,000 - 740,000 acre-feet of additional water per year by 2050. That is up to enough water to fill Pueblo, Dillon and Carter Lake Reservoirs combined.

Water Conservation is Critical. The way Colorado prioritizes water conservation as it grows will affect the environment, wildlife, outdoor recreation, agriculture, economy, and communities. Water conservation and efficiency efforts could reduce future annual water needs by up to 300,000 acre-feet per year by 2050.

Questions to Consider

  • Are community members asking about the adequacy of your water supply? Vulnerability to hazards? Local water quality?
  • How are you growing? What are your growth goals?
  • How do you address water in your planning documents?
  • How would you prioritize water supply and water quality among other community goals?
  • Does a municipal utility or special district provide your water?
  • Does your water provider have a plan? Do you know about it?
  • How do you determine if you have an adequate water supply?
  • Do you have redundancy in your water supply infrastructure?
  • Would having a sense of your water values, goals, and challenges impact local decision-making?

Tip: Read up on Colorado legislation

As of 2024, Colorado Revised Statutes require a water supply element in a Comprehensive Plan that includes collaboration with water providers.

As of 2015, a water provider’s Water Efficiency Plan must evaluate land use planning best practices for achieving water conservation.




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