Scores for an IIJA Match are calculated by the following criteria during the application review:
Alignment with Governor’s policy priorities
- 1-2: Project does not align or only tangentially aligns with Governor’s policy priorities as laid out in IIJA priority doc.
- 3-4: Project relates to at least one of issue areas mentioned in IIJA priority doc but does not directly relate to associated policy goals.
- 5: Project aligns directly with one of Governor’s policy priorities laid out specifically in priority doc.
Justification of Need
- 1-2: Application does not address why other funds cannot be leveraged or reallocated for this purpose.
- 3-4: Application broadly explains why other funds cannot be leveraged or reallocated for this purpose, but without specific examples to justify.
- 5: Application has justified clearly why other funds cannot be leveraged or reallocated for this purpose, including at least 2 examples.
Projected Equitable Impacts
- 1-2: Application does not speak to, or only speaks broadly to, how projects will target disproportionately impacted communities/communities most harmed by legacy infrastructure.
- 3-4: Application specifically explains how project planning will identify projects to be prioritized in disproportionately impacted communities/communities most harmed by legacy infrastructure, but does not specify what proportion of funds will be targeted in this way.
- 5: Application demonstrates process or projections by which at least 40% of funds will be invested in projects in disproportionately impacted communities, in alignment with the federal Justice40 initiative.
Impact on workforce/job creation
- 1-2: Application does not speak to, or project is not projected to, create any new jobs or workforce expansion
- 3-4: Federal program does not have workforce impact built into design of program; OR
Application demonstrates that project is projected. - 5: Application demonstrates that project is projected to create new jobs or workforce demand, and includes planning for funding source past to create new jobs or workforce demand, but does not include planning for funding source as needed initial federal funding as needed.
Long-Term Community Impact Depth
- 1-2: Application does not speak to project’s long-term permanent impact on health and safety of the community or region
- 3-4: Project is expected to have long-term permanent impact to the health and safety of the community or region through outcomes impact, environmental impact, workforce impact, etc., but no specific examples or justification included.
- 5: Project uses specific sources or examples to demonstrate projected long-term permanent impact to the health and safety of the community or
region through outcomes such as impact, environmental impact, workforce impact.
Shovel-Ready status
- 1-2: Project readiness is poorly defined and there is significant uncertainty as to who, what, where, and when.
- 3-4: There is a line of sight toward project development and implementation, though there are significant gaps.
- 5: Project scope is clearly defined. If applicable, project partners are defined, site(s) are secured, and timeline for project implementation is available.
“Exceptional Circumstances”
- 1-2: Given the “once in a generation” funding opportunity IIJA presents, this project minimally leverages the opportunity.
- 3-4: Given the “once in a generation” funding opportunity IIJA presents, this project has the potential to leverage the opportunity.
- 5: Given the “once in a generation” funding opportunity IIJA presents, this project significantly leverages the opportunity in a different way than measured by any of the metrics above.
Total Score - (X/35)
- 25-35 points = strong candidate for funding request
- 15-25 points = may be a strong candidate for partial level
- 0-15 points = do not fund unless exceptional circumstance