Housing Planning Grant Program Opens March 10, 2025
The Housing Planning Grant Program enacted by SB24-174 (§§ 24-32-3701 — 24-32-3711) intends to provide grants to local governments and regional entities to help them better understand their housing needs and to develop actionable and compliant housing needs assessments (HNAs), housing action plans (HAPs), and comprehensive plans.
- The next round of funding is open on March 10, 2025, with applications due Friday, April 11, 2025, by 11:59 PM.
- Applications must be submitted through the DLG Grants Portal. An instructional video tutorial on using the DLG Grants Portal is available on DOLA's YouTube. Please contact the Housing Planning Grant Program Manager if experiencing issues accessing the application.
- Interested applicants are encouraged to register for the upcoming informational webinar on Wednesday, March 12 at 11:00 AM
- Interested applicants may also indicate their interest in applying by answering this 1-minute survey.
- Notice of Awards is estimated in May 2025.
- Future funding rounds will be announced in Spring 2025.
- Grant funds may support the development of a new Housing Needs Assessment (HNA), Housing Action Plan (HAP), or Strategic Growth element of a comprehensive plan.
- Grant funds can also support the revision of an existing HNA, HAP, or Strategic Growth element to comply with the requirements of SB24-174 (§§ 24-32-3701 — 24-32-3711).
- HNAs will be prioritized in preliminary funding rounds.
- There is a 25% required local match
- There is no suggested minimum or maximum award for this work, however there are limited grant funds available.
- Eligible entities include municipalities, counties, city and city-counties, councils of governments (COGs), regional planning commissions, and public entities formed by the voluntary agreements of local governments in a region. Municipalities or counties are encouraged to partner on multijurisdictional projects and may collaborate with housing authorities, COGs, or other applicable regional entities.
- Jurisdictions subject to the HNA, HAP, and/or Strategic Growth element requirements outlined in SB24-174 (§§ 24-32-3701 — 24-32-3711) will be prioritized.
- To find out if your jurisdiction(s) is subject to the requirements of SB24-174, please review the applicability information listed on the law’s subpage. You can find links to this subpage on the 2024 Land Use and Housing Legislation web page. If you are still unsure if your jurisdiction is subject to one or more of the requirements of SB24-174 after reviewing that information, please contact us for further information or to set up a one-on-one technical assistance meeting.
- DOLA’s guidance related to Water Supply & Strategic Growth will be published in 2026. Please contact DOLA’s Land Use and Water Planner, Scott Williamson, for direct technical assistance related to these comprehensive plan elements.
- Approximately $12,000,000 is available for the Housing Planning Grant Program.
- Funding is appropriated through the Local Government Severance Tax Fund and the Local Government Mineral Impact Fund.
- Additional funding for this program is not guaranteed.
- Future application cycles will be announced in Spring 2025.
- DLG Grants Portal Access
- Housing Planning Grant Program Guidelines
- Housing Planning Grant Program Application Questions (Downloads as Word Document)
- HPLN Housing Planning Grant Project Budget Template (Downloads as Excel Spreadsheet)
- Housing Planning Grant Program FAQs
- Housing Planning Grant Program Informational Handout
- DOLA Housing Plans Tools & Documents
- Registration link for DOLA Webinar on HNAs
Contact Information
Initial Interest
Prospective applicants may indicate their interest in applying by completing this 1-minute survey. Before applying, interested parties may also email Ashley Basham to get feedback on the proposed project and technical assistance.
Program Contact
Ashley Basham, Housing & Transit Grant Program Manager
ashley.basham@state.co.us or 720-666-2872
Alice Huang, Housing Grant Program Assistant