News Article

Impact Funds Leverage Other Opportunities

The Town of Ridgway, working through Space to Create Colorado and with Artspace, leveraged Energy Impact & Assistance Fund dollars with a variety of public and private resources to make a blend of affordability and creativity a reality.

July Resiliency Conversation: Community Collaboration

The Colorado Resiliency Office's (CRO) July "Resiliency Conversation" highlights the importance of collaboration to strengthen resilience. As part of the role of the CRO in raising awareness of resilience action happening across the state with partner agencies, we are are spotlighting the story of the Clement Park Inclusive Playground shared with us by our partners at Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Agencies on the Road for Housing Discussions

Community Development Office staff will join Housing Colorado, the Division of Housing, and CHFA at meetings in the hopes of hearing from communities about needs, as well as to provide information on the Division of Local Government's More Housing Now and Land Use Initiative, Strong Communities, and Proposition 123.

Upcoming Water and Wastewater Regional Workshops

This summer, the Colorado State Revolving Fund Program is hosting two full-day in-person regional workshops.

  • Southeast Regional Workshop (June 22nd): La Junta, Colorado
  • Northwest Regional Workshop (August 9th from 9am-4:15pm): Rifle, Colorado – RSVP

Who should attend 

Local government decision-makers, finance staff, and operators, along with private nonprofits that operate drinking water systems.

Legislation Impacts the Division of Local Government

The 2023 legislative session ended May 8, with most of the bills affecting the Division of Local Government's funding programs merely extending the sunset or spending deadlines beyond their original date. Note that not all bills have received Gov. Jared Polis’ signature as of May 16, 2023.

Project Spotlight: Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project

In 2021, the Division of Local Government was proud to support the Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project with a $150,000 Rural Economic Development Initiative grant to the Southwest Colorado Council of Governments. The project is focused on documenting and regenerating the apple orchard industry in the four corners area through improved and effective agricultural practices, regional promotion of produce and products, and shared resources and facilities for apple growers to expand this important agricultural resource to the area.

What the Division is Doing - Renewables and Clean Energy

In the summer of 2019, the Department of Local Affairs launched the Renewable and Clean Energy Initiative with the goal of supporting the development and construction of renewable and clean energy infrastructure in all areas of the state.

The Colorado Division of Local Government

1313 Sherman Street
Suite 521
Denver, CO 80203


Phone: 303-864-7720

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