December: DOLA mails Colorado Employee Residence Reports (CERR) notification to reporting parties.
January – June 15: DOLA receives/reviews/approves/inputs CERR data.
January 1 (even years): By January 1st of even-numbered years, DOLA provides to the General Assembly a biennial report on the Direct Distribution program.
March: Energy and Mineral Impact Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to Executive Director for discretionary weightings of
April 30: All CERR reports are due to DOLA from reporting parties.
May 1 – 3: DOLA mails a failure to file letter to reporting parties who did not submit a CERR by the April 30 deadline.
June 1: Annually by June 1, the Executive Director sets default factor weights and DOLA posts on web.
June 15: DOLA assesses penalty fees and mails notification of penalty to reporting parties who did not submit a CERR.
Mid June - Mid July: DOLA provides access to local governments to review and submit CERR challenges.
June 30 (permissive): Local government MOUs detailing alternative direct distribution allocations are due to the Executive Director.
July (if needed):
- Energy and Mineral Impact Advisory Committee review MOUs submitted by local governments for Executive Director approval.
- Energy and Mineral Impact Advisory Committee review and consider staff recommendations of alternative county allocations for Executive Director decision.
Mid July: DOLA reviews Local Government Challenges to determine whether Sufficient or Insufficient.
Mid July – August:
- DOLA collects production and permit data from Department of Natural Resources and Division of Property Taxation.
- DOLA collects Highway User Lane Miles and Federal Mineral Lease Revenue by county from State Treasury.
- DOLA collects population data from the State Demographer.
- DOLA collects pupil count data from the Department of Education.
- DOLA analyzes metrics and calculates factor indices.
- Executive Director determines discretionary factor weightings.
Second Thursday of August: DOLA convenes the EIAF Advisory Committee to present employee data and receive the Committee’s recommendation on employee counts.
August 15-25:
- DOLA period for finalizing and approving all employee data used for the annual distribution.
- DOLA analyzes CERR data.
August 31: Statutory deadline for DOLA to distribute state severance tax and federal mineral lease moneys.
September – December: DOLA evaluates the direct distribution procedures and as needed proposes potential changes to enhance the process.
Back to Direct Distribution: Severance Tax and Federal Mineral Lease Program Guidelines